Images, Text and Links
Updates apply for any image you want to update that means change or delete. It also includes to change any text you need to update with links.
When you sign up for our 270, 300 or 500 Web Hosting Plans, you get free website updates. They include and excludes the following:
Updates apply for any image you want to update that means change or delete. It also includes to change any text you need to update with links.
Update your gallery images and shopping cart products that can be updated from a control panel. We will also update your news or blog.
Updates for video files (does not cover creation of new files). Deleting anything from your site is free.
Free updates do not include designing new site pages, updates only apply when updating actual content and existing pages.
New designs such as logos, flyers, ads, brochures or photo retouching are not included in the free updates.
Advanced programming, e.g., Javascript, PHP, ASP, MySQL, XML or other dinamic languages are not included on the free Web updates. Third party software updates and malware removal on hacked sites are not included.
If you have any DVD video, or another non-Web format video, it requires time to be converted to a Web-friendly format.
The search of images or text is not included. All content must be sent via ticket or email. Text should also be delivered in an editable format. Transcription or proofreading is not included.
Plugins, contact forms, chat systems, forums, blogs, photo galleries, and any other script that requires programming and / or database installation, are not included.
Any requested update that isn’t covered by the maintenance plan, will be quoted and subject to your approval.
© Ecolohosting 2025