The following information is important applies for most of the domain extensions in Ecolohosting.
The maximum domain registration in Ecolohosting is 10 years. When you register your domain may use it during the selected term. You will receive a renewal email 30 days before the expiration date of the domain via an email with instructions on how to renew it.
If the domain is not renewed before its due date, the domain enters a period known as "initial suspension", for a duration of two weeks and can still be recovered paying the current domain cost.
If the domain is nor renewed during the previous period, after 15 days the domain will have an additional renewal fee of 130 dollars.
If the domain is not recovered in the previous period, the domain will enter a new period called "Final Suspension" in which the domain can no longer be recovered. Once this period is completed the domain will be made public for anyone to register.